Sunday, October 27, 2013

Me Ra Koh Baby's First Year in Pictures- Must Read

Whether you are a professional photographer who photographs children or a Mom, Grandmother, or friend of someone with children this is an excellent book for beginners and more advanced shooters on everything you need to know from lighting to posing a little one in their first year. She offers so many ideas for each month of a babies life and the memorable shots that you will want to capture. She also gives you her camera settings for each shot taken so you can duplicate what she has done or find a place to start from.
This is a must own for me and I have read it dozens of times and use it as a reference quite often. It is an easy read and will not be over your head. She also has a book for children age 1 to 10 that I have not read yet but have at the top of my reading list. You can find the book online at or any bookstore. You can also learn more at her website at Happy reading.

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